About Us

Hello and thank you for stopping by to learn a bit more about how Northern Co. came about. 

Simply put, Northern Co. was created to help you save time, so you can focus on what truly matters.

As a proud mom to three young beautiful children, we are no strangers to the Canadian outdoor wilderness. To name a few, you can find us tobogganing on golf courses, basking in ponds catching frogs and newts, flipping logs in search of salamanders in torrential rain and building forts with whatever their hands can get a hold of. With the amount of time my nature explorers spend outdoors, I had a very hard time finding clothing that lasted. I was tired of buying products that did not meet my ‘waterproofness’ and warmth standards, only having to go back online and stores to buy more products that continued to disappoint, break the bank and most importantly have a negative environmental waste impact on our planet.

Children thrive when outdoors.  As parents, we have the responsibility to ensure they are dressed appropriately so they can be free and comfortable to truly take in their environmental setting and unleash their natural creativity.

I have intentionally selected children’s high quality, sustainable and eco-friendly garments and school accessories. Parents can rest assured that these products stand the test of time, the test of Mother Nature and the test of three young children in our household. Say goodbye to purchasing multiple items multiple times and hello to a select few that are durable and can be passed down for many years to come. 

Let Northern Co. do the research so you focus on what truly matters.

Thank you for your support!